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关于进场指挥的问题 The approaching procedure








    The aircraft was approaching XSH. We sought to program the FMC route with the arrival to ABC. We asked ABC control what route we would fly, and they would not give an answer. They handed us to ABC Approach at XSH, and approach did not assign the route because of radio congestion. After we crossed XSH and tracking one arrival, ATC assigned the other arrival. The aircraft had to be turned sharply to remain on the assigned route. Pilot work load was too high because FMC programming, checking, and executing had to be done very quickly. I felt that the situation was unsafe because ABC Control does tell what arrival Approach Control is using. Whether to turn right or turn left is a big mystery in Chinese airspace, for flights joining arrival routes, and the mystery is unsafe. Pilots need to know the arrival route before descent from cruize altitude. The policy of not assigning the arrival route until an aircraft is under Approach control is dangerous and will cause airspace violations. It increases pilot workload and error rate. It increases chances of midair collisions. The problem can be totally eliminated if Approach Control gives notification to Area Control of what arrival is in use. Area control can then tell pilots what arrival to expect, so they may program the FMC earlier. This improves the ATC system and removes an important accident / incident risk. If there is no change in ATC policy, there will be a serious incident or accident.



    The problem that the reporter mentioned do exist in most of control area which has the radar control covered, and also it happened in busy terminal airport. The lack of communication between area ATC and approach ATC is the main direct reason causes such problem. It makes flight crew workload increase a lot, and then effect the safety level of flight. Suggestions to ATC: 1, keep open and close-loop communication between area ATC and APP ATC; 2, area ATC issues the estimate STAR to arrival traffic. 3 or area ATC hand over the traffic to APP at least 5 minutes before STAR. Suggestions to pilot/crew 1, at least 10 minutes before approach, use the STB VHF to contact APP ATC to get STAR, if area ATC can not issue the estimate STAR; 2 follow the FPL until to last waypoint on FPL, if no STAR issued from both area ATC and APP ATC. The other expert advises : 针对外籍飞行员反应的情况,对包括ABC在内的国内主要机场进行了调研,也征询部分飞行人员意见。目前现状:国内大部分机场进近方式由ATIS发布,进场方式通常都是航空器移交给进近后,由进近负责指定,这给飞行员操作的确带来不便,特别是有多条进场航线且差别较大的机场。针对上述情况提出如下建议: 1、 空管系统:优化工作流程,尽早把进场方式通知机组,便于机组准备。 2、 机组:做好飞行前准备,目前大部分机场进场方式相对固定,如有疑问可在空中提前向进近索取。

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