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Go or De-icing?








    Dear Sir or Madame, I have decided to file this report because I do care not only about what is going on my flight, but about air transport too. The January 4th, was a challenging day for everybody at Changsha airport due to real winter operations. Many pilots, ATC and ground services were working hard to ensure the flights are departing safely. The safety is our main priority, it always will be. We had our passengers on board for four hours because the first de-icing holdover time had failed, that followed by RW closure, a passenger decided to offload himself, long time for the second full treatment etc. Yes, it was a very challenging day for my crew, but we did announcements in two languages and this was positively understood by passengers, but what they did not understood, as none of us, that there were two aircraft departing from neighbouring stands with wings full of snow without de-icing. The first aircraft Airbus China Southern B-6272, departure time about 02:40 UTC, started pushback, I thought to do de-icing somewhere, but that was for departure!!! Another aircraft, OKair, foreign captain I suppose, they were pushed and had engines started, but the RW was closed what imposed a further delay of about one hour in SN. Although they were de-iced by type I, but this type of fluid has protective properties for only 22 min as a maximum in conditions we had in Changsha that day. The SN on failed de-icing fluid downgrades aerodynamic performances rather more than SN on clean surfaces. I dont know what those captains were thinking about... This is just totally irresponsible, uncivilised and rather criminal, as the decisions they made are completely against Air Law. I would like to appeal to fellow colleagues, I would like to ask captains and first officers why some of us dont care? Why some of us cut corner where it is completely unacceptable, why? Have we forgotten what happened on November 21 2004 with CRJ200 near Bautou? Have we forgotten about ATR72 April 2 2012 at Tyumen? Some pilots seem have forgotten about their responsibilities too... We got our positions and licenses because we are being trusted by authorities and public, but what some of us do? They just betray of everyone who has trust in them, they betray their colleagues too. My position about the culture of safety in operations is very strong, there is only one way to do this job for me and I make anything possible to introduce this to my co-pilots too. At the end, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New 2013! Let it be a very good and safe to all of us!



    As you reported, any aircraft must not to perform a take off if there is a condition of snow and/or icing and/or frost on the flight control surface. There two flights that you mentioned in report were obviously against the air law, we will issue an alert bulleting to all concern. One expert advise in Chinese: 航空法及各公司的运行手册一定有一致的相关规定,那就是飞行前必须除去机翼及各操纵舵面的霜雪冰。在积冰的气象条件下.起飞前必须要进行除冰,喷洒相应适当的除冰液,并严格遵守除冰液的有效时间。 但是在实际运行中依旧会发生类似的事件,这里有侥幸心理、盲目自信的心理、更有运行环境带来的时间压力。违反除冰的规定而强行起飞带来的危害不需要过多的描述,任何一位业内人士都知晓其严重性。但是我们在这么久的运行中确实没有认真去对待这一常见的冬季运行工作。我们的无预期性流控的的确确让实际除冰工作无法准确预判开始实施时刻。实际运行中常见过长时间的流控后忽然告知10分钟内必须起飞!!这么短的时间内怎么可能完成?还有个别机场停机坪距离跑到滑行时间相对较长,前面还会有等待起飞的飞机,除冰液时效性何以保障?一些机场保障过于之后,根本保障不了极端天气下多架飞机的除冰工作。加之各工种信息不通畅,一次除冰需要机组不停的催促保障部门联系。这些因素可能都是导致机组为了急于起飞而冒然忽略除冰的潜在原因,但是无论如何这么做是违法的,更是十分危险的! 那么如何解决呢?我想可以通过一硬件与软件两个方面。定点除冰是很好的选择,这也是在国外和国内的一些具备条件的机场正在开始实施的高效方式。定点除冰最大的好处是缩短除冰后滑行时间有利于保持除冰液的时效。再有也能和空管有机结合,达到虽有起飞时刻谁来除冰,出冰完毕即可起飞。软件方面我想首先是“管道”的建设,要建立现场指挥和控管部门的协调渠道。是保障部门知晓起飞顺序从而达到预先按顺序保障,防止混乱的发生而影响除冰效率。其次,针对冬季除冰这一经常实施的工作要加强相应人员的技能培训及协作训练。尽可能高效的完成相应工作。最后,作为安全保障最后关口的机组人员一定要坚持运行标准,不可盲目蛮干!!

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