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    Approximately 1220 in the afternoon Beijing time, After a Korean Airlines B747 was cleared for takeoff ( from W2 , Runway 36R) and on their takeoff roll, We, AAXXYY were given a clearance to Line up and Wait, after T/O maintain Runway heading. ( from E2, Runway 36R). I refused the clearance because I noticed Korean Airlines rejecting their Takeoff. I held our position at E2 and DID NOT LINE UP ON RUNWAY 36R. Expecting a possible emergency from the Korean Airlines B747 I closely looked at the aircraft for any fire or smoke. It was at this time I noticed the Korean Airlines B747 did not have their Flaps down while the airplane was stopping / coming to a stop on the runway. The First Officer of the B747 at that time reported they were rejecting the takeoff as the airplane was coming to a stop.( It was once the B747 had come to a stop that I noticed the flaps now coming out on the B747 and into the flap takeoff position. ) ATC then asked the Korean Air B747 to say again........and the First Officer nervously said they were rejecting the Takeoff. ATC now asked us, AAXXYY if we were Lining Up for RW36R. My first officer replied........."NO.......WE ARE AWAITING YOUR INSTRUCTIONS." Tower ATC now told us to Hold Our Position and Hold Short of RW36R at E2. It was at this time, Korean Airlines informed the Tower ATC they could ..........CONTINUE THE TAKEOFF...........WITH NORMAL OPERATIONS !!! Please note, they made this request after performing a rejected takeoff.......and now they were sitting in the area before W4 with almost 1/2............one half of Runway 36R sitting behind.......behind the aircraft. ATC refused their request and asked them.........what was the reason for the rejected takeoff........No response from Korean Airlines....... ATC asked a second time..........what was the reason for the rejected takeoff........finally Korean replied it was due to a TAKEOFF CONFIGURATION WARNING. Tower ATC again refused their request to continue the takeoff and instructed the Korean Air B747 to turn off at W5 and clear the Runway 36R. After the Korean Air was clear of the runway ATC cleared us to Line Up , after takeoff maintain RW heading...........we complied with their instructions and were then cleared for takeoff. I want to thank my First Officer and my observer for working with me, in using CRM properly , in realizing that there was an aircraft rejecting on the runway, that a possible emergency existed on the runway and agreeing with me to........Hold position and not line up on Runway 36R as ATC first instructed us to do. I also want to say ......." Good Job !!" to the Tower Controllers for refusing to let the Korean Airlines B747 continue their takeoff after a reject was started due to Flaps not being set......and with........the aircraft coming to a stop with almost half of the runway behind the aircraft. I am not here to Judge the Korean Air B747 Pilots........In fairness, I do not know what their situation was in the Cockpit. Or what problems they may have had due to maintenance.......or operational situations. I do know that we all...........all of us had made mistakes in the past during our aviation career.......hopefully mistakes we can learn from and that others can learn from.



    Thanks for your reporting. First, your crew have very good CRM skill, before line up, the flight crew must be check the runway and short final to make sure that is safe for line up, and you gave more space to the abnormal traffic on runway, it is very good. It is very obvious that your team members kept high situation awareness at that time which should be praised and encouraged. Generally speaking,after aircraft performs an aborted takeoff,the ATC will suggest the crew regarded to taxi out of the R/W other than let them continue to takeoff. Second, The Boeing 747 requested for takeoff at the location where is 1/2 runway away from the threshold,it is incredible. ATC did their proper job to refuse Korean air crew to continue take-off after reject roll, and verify your position. Finally, we also can not say anything about Korean air flight crew this moment before whole things was clearly under CAAC and Korean air authority finish the investigation. Anyway we must to express my appreciation for your report. What you concern are the same with ours. With all contributions from us, there will be a safer sky.

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