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Laser Illumination when approaching/ 进近时手电激光照射








    Description provided by pilot: On 21 Jun 2014, while on radar vectors for the ILS 36R in ZSSS I have been illuminate by a green laser for a fraction of second. It happen while we were on base leg for the ILS . if we refer to ZSSS chart 11-8 (4APR 2014) I judge between the point SS008 and SS001. We were descending to 550 m and I have been illuminate, and blinded for 1/2 second by a green laser. When it happen, I put my head down to avoid been more blinded and recover after a few second. I reported the event to ATC (approach at the time) They ask us if we were able to continue the Approach which was the case,and the flight continued without further incident. To my impression, it look more like a rotating laser on top of a night club or something like it, more than a deliberate individual illumination.



     低空飞行时,如果遇到灯光照射,包括激光,会导致飞机驾驶员短暂失明,会对飞行安全有一定的威胁。 根据报告人描述:灯光源可能位于ss008与ss001之间,绿色的旋转的激光,而且可能是某夜总会建筑顶部的灯。 激光对于驾驶舱飞行机组的影响是不言而喻的,国际民航组织也一直呼吁世界各国进行关注和治理。应环绕机场建立以下飞行保护区以保护航空器的安全,使其免受激光发射器的有害影响:一个无激光光束飞行区(LFFZ);一个激光光束临界飞行区(LCFZ);一个激光光束敏感飞行区(LSFZ)。在建立飞行保护区时可参考图1、图2和图3来确定足以保护航空器的范围和辐射照度。 图1、图2和图3可用于确定足以保护飞行活动的受照射程度和各项距离。在三个受保护的飞行区(无激光束飞行区、激光束临界飞行区和激光束敏感飞行区)内限制使用激光束,指的只是可见激光束。由有关当局以一种不损害飞行安全的方式操作的激光发射器除外。在所有可航空域内,任何激光束(可见的或不可见的)的辐照度均应小于或等于最大许可照射量(MPE)。除非已经将这种辐射通报了有关当局并获得许可。 因此,建议SCASS专家组将该信息反馈给当地监管局和机场部门,对该类现象进行管理和控制;建议虹桥机场管理方,联合地方政府部门,查清灯光源的位置,进行妥善处理。 对飞行员的建议:如果预计到外部灯光的威胁,可以适当埋头驾驶舱,转为完全仪表飞行。

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